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对于希望被考虑到2027年夏季之前的任何学期的申请人,不需要SAT或ACT分数. 提交申请并指出考试可选路径的学生将不会将其考试成绩视为入学审查过程的一部分.

We have prepared the following information to address common questions; however, we encourage you to contact the Office of Admissions at with any additional questions you have regarding the application process.

Why is UW-Eau Claire temporarily not requiring standardized test scores?

In May 2020, 西澳大学校务委员会通过了一项决议,暂时停止要求所有新生申请人提供ACT或SAT成绩作为申请的一部分, active through the 2021-22 academic year. 该决议已延长至2027年夏季(2024年4月通过)。.

Does this apply to the Barron County campus?

As an open-access institution, 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 - Barron县的录取决定不需要考试成绩. However, 我们鼓励参加并提交考试成绩,以增加进入四年制大学的机会, programs, and scholarships should students choose to transfer in the future.

Why would students submit standardized test scores if they don’t have to?

学生们可能会认为,包括他们的分数将更全面地反映他们的学术成就和潜力. UW-Eau Claire encourages submitting test scores.

在审查申请时,我们的目标是更全面地了解申请人是谁,以及他们在学业上取得成功的可能性有多大. In addition to providing a more complete academic picture, 考试成绩是分配学生成功计划的重要因素, pre-requisite requirements, and scholarship consideration.

对于学生是否应该选择将他们的考试成绩作为录取过程的一部分,我们没有一个公式. Ultimately, 每个学生都可以决定考试成绩是否准确和相关地代表他们的学术实力和能力.


Test scores are not required. 如果学生觉得他们的学习成绩不能反映他们的学术能力, they may wish to take and send test scores.


我们一直采取全面的方法来评估学生的入学情况. In the absence of a test score, we will continue to look at all factors on the application holistically, including the completion of a core curriculum that includes English, math, science, social studies, and various electives; grades earned; a student’s decision to take rigorous coursework such as AP, honors, or dual credit where it is offered; application essay; extracurricular activities; and other achievements.


Students can still apply for scholarships without test scores. However, many merit-based scholarships consider test scores. 如果你的ACT成绩达到25分或更高,我们建议你提交你的考试成绩来申请奖学金. 

Are there instances where test scores are considered?

Even though test scores are not required for admission to the university, 在某些情况下,考试成绩会被录取, pre-requisites, scholarships, etc.

  • Consideration for many merit-based scholarships.
  • Consideration for admission to some programs, including Nursing. (请注意,护理项目有一个竞争激烈的录取过程, 被威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校录取并不保证被护理专业录取.)
  • 对于在家接受教育的学生或就读于使用非传统评估方法且不分配alpha或数字分数的学校的学生的入学考虑.
  • Automatic admission into the University Honors Program.
  • Pre-requisite fulfillment of some courses, including (but not limited to) math and English, in the absence of placement scores.
  • 国际学生英语水平证明(见其他证明英语水平的方法) here).

申请人将能够在申请中告诉我们他们是否希望将他们的考试成绩包括在入学审查过程中. Students will be able to select from the following options:

  • Yes, consider my ACT or SAT scores for admission.
  • No, do not consider my ACT or SAT scores for admission.

If students are unsure how to answer this question, 我们建议查看此页面上的其他常见问题,然后联系招生办公室 if they are still unsure how to proceed.


我们鼓励学生在提交申请前仔细考虑他们的决定. However, if an admission decision has not yet been made on a student’s application, 我们将能够适应他们偏好的变化,将他们的考试成绩包括或排除在入学审查过程中. Students can contact the admissions office at if they would like to change their option.


如果学生在申请表上表明他们不希望自己的考试成绩被考虑, 他们的考试成绩不会被包括在申请审查中,无论这些成绩是由考试机构寄给我们还是包含在成绩单上.


选择提交ACT或SAT成绩的学生可以分享官方或自我报告的成绩. 之后,我们允许学生通过MyBlugold CampS门户网站自我报告考试成绩 activating their 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 account. 如果学生提供了自我报告的成绩,并且没有选择申请可选考试,那么他们将被要求在上课的第一天之前提交正式的ACT或SAT成绩.

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